Discernment Counseling

My Spouse Wants Out

My Spouse Wants Out

Has your spouse checked out of your marriage?  Perhaps they have made it clear that they are no longer happy in the relationship. Are all indicators pointing towards separation or even divorce? Are you begging them to go to marriage counseling, but they won't even consider it as an option?

I can help.

Some Tips for the Unfaithful Spouse Looking to Save Their Marriage

Some Tips for the Unfaithful Spouse Looking to Save Their Marriage

Infidelity is one of the main issues I work with on a consistent basis with couples. When they come to counseling, their relationship is already in crisis. The tips above are a good way to start repairing the damage caused by infidelity. Along with the author's 3 tips from the video, I also wanted to share my own advice.

Finding the Right Relationship Counselor Part 1

Finding the Right Relationship Counselor Part 1

When your relationship is in crisis, it can become an overwhelming task to find someone who you can trust to help. You are feeling hurt, vulnerable, overwhelmed, and are looking for a stranger to care for one of the most precious relationships in your life.

Dispelling Common Myths About Divorce: Research-Based Insights

Dispelling Common Myths About Divorce: Research-Based Insights

The decision to divorce is a difficult one.  People often talk to their friends or family members asking them to share their thoughts and opinions.  There are many ideas about divorce that are categorically false.  Because of this, I've decided to share some little known research regarding divorce that may help inform you or your loved one's decision.  If you are interested in speaking with a marriage counselor about your relationship, I'd love to help!